Step Up

This morning as I was praying, I had a vision of some steps. Then I saw a stair climber machine, like the ones at the fitness gyms.

I had a flashback!

I remembered using one of those step machines back in the day. I recalled how you are taking steps but not actually going anywhere! You are climbing steps that make you think you are ascending and getting to the top, only to be brought back down to start again. 😮‍💨😮‍💨

This may be your life. You’re constantly taking steps to go higher but keep ending up at step 1 over and over and over again. Is this you?

I want to encourage you! As I kept praying in the spirit during this vision, I heard the Ruah ha’Qodesh say: Even in these moments, I AM strengthening you for the climb.

In Psalms 18:32-33, it says: It is El who girds me with strength, And makes my way perfect, Making my feet like the feet of deer, and puts me on high places.

Verse 36 of Psalm 18 says: You enlarge my step under me; And my feet shall not slip.


Listen up!! You may feel like you aren’t moving forward! You may feel like you’re taking all the right steps but truth is, you stationery. You really aren’t moving forward! 🥴

But even still, YAH is using those moments to strengthen you for the REAL climb that is to come!

Don’t get weary! But also don’t be afraid to step out and allow YAH to PUT YOU ON high places!

Your ways aren’t YAH’s ways! 😉

Cause when HE (the only TRUE and LIVING Elohim) put you on, you won’t slip and fall!

If this message is making you wanna jump up and down like it is meeeeeee…. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽Go right ahead and jump!!! You won’t fall! You have been building muscles for the jump this whole time!!!!

Romans 8:28 comes to mind too! YAH don’t waste nothing!!!

Leave a comment and let me know how this message hit you! It truly encouraged me!!! 🥰

Fon Lucas