Encouraged, Not a Little

I didn’t even plan to blog today, but I couldn’t help sharing this revelation I just got from reading Acts 20:9-12. I was going to post the scriptures, but I want you to go and read it for yourselves. But real quick, here is what I got from reading it:

  • Sha’ul (we have learned him as Paul) was teaching the word and had been going for a while. A man who was there sitting in a window, got so sleepy he fell out of the window!!!!! First of all, have you ever nodded off in church or at the wrong place? I mean you knew people saw you nodding. LOL! Hopefully you weren’t snoring!!! Okay any way, this man got so sleepy, he fell out the window yall. AND DIED!

  • Sha’ul went down to check on the man, fell on him and embraced him. Then he basically said: Y’all stop all that crying, he ain’t dead. (Okay that’s my translation). LOL!

  • Sha’ul then went back upstairs, ate, and kept on talking for a long while. EVEN TILL DAYBREAK! Now first the man already was falling asleep because Sha’ul had been teaching that Word for so long, but he went BACK UP to teach and reason even longer!! LOL!

  • Verse 12 says they (the ones who was still down there with the boy who fell out the window), brought the young man in ALIVE! And it says, they were ENCOURAGED, not a little! The opposite of not a little is a WHOLE LOT

Yall this got me! I said first of all Sha’ul didn’t care who was falling asleep in the assembly, he kept on teaching and preaching the WORD! Then he went downstairs and basically raised the boy from the dead. Went back upstairs, broke bread and ate, and preached some more! If FAITH AND UNBOTHERED were a photo, it would be Sha’ul!

THEN IT SAYS, they brought the boy in ALIVE! Now imagine you in the crowd with the dead boy on the ground and the preacher say, oh he ain’t dead (even though he had been declared dead by others). You up there crying and upset and wondering why it wasn’t a screen on that window. Or why he didn’t sit on the floor when he first felt himself nodding off. Why would he sit in a window of a 3 story building? So many questions you would be down there asking and wondering. Am I right? LOL! Just down there looking at his body like…maaaan that’s so messed up for E. He was so young too. Can you hear yourself? LOL! Sha’ul say he ain’t dead, but you see he ain’t moving so you just shaking your head like…man E. Can’t believe E dead man!

What I got from this story is Sha’ul knew his authority to raise people from the dead. He used it and went on back to what he was doing! It doesn’t say he said get up a thousand times. It doesn’t say he hollered. He didn’t even say, yall watch this or somebody get this on camera. Matter of fact, he didn’t even address the boy. He addressed the people who were there. He said, “Do not be upset, for his life is in him.”

YUP!! You can run and holler like I’m about to do!!


And after a bit of time, they brought E inside ALIVE! And they were ENCOURAGED, NOT A LITTLE!

When was the last time you were encouraged…NOT A LITTLE? When was the last time you said what you said with authority in the power of the name of the only true and living Elohim. AND BELIEVED what you said?

We have to be like Sha’ul and know that we have authority. We actually. have to BELIEVE that when we who live righteous speak up, IT IS WHAT WE SAY! And when we say what we say OUT LOUD, it will ENCOURAGE those around us, not a little…BUT A WHOLE LOT!

Sha’ul did what was in him to do. What about you?

When was the last time you saw a miracle? When was the last time you said something and knew without a doubt, it’s what I said?

This has been happening to me quite a bit. I say it. Then I see it. On earth as it is in heaven! I believe what I am saying! And because of my relationship with the only true and living Elohim, I don’t have to doubt. But you know who wants you to doubt? The enemy. See the story doesn’t say E began to move right away. It also doesn’t say that he moved at all. It does say what Sha’ul said and how he went on about his business KNOWING THAT WHAT HE SAID WAS TRUE, EVEN IF HE DIDN’T SEE IT AT THE MOMENT.

What are you waiting on to see if what you said is gonna come to pass? Be encouraged, not a little. Go on about your Father’s business. The people you said it to…will come and sure enough show you!

Read Mark 11:23-24!

P.S. I said at the top of 2023 that I was getting married and my name was changing. My friend had to remind me that I had said it. Clearly I went on about my Father’s business. LOL!! Well 9 days before the year ended, I got married! YOU CAN HAVE WHAT YOU SAY. But make sure what you say is in alignment with YAH’s Way!

Side Note: I had no idea this post wouldn’t be as quick as I stated in the beginning! 😂